Turbocharging CSFE development
Pacific NW, USA
The Climate Smart Wood Group* envisions a new forest economy in the Pacific Northwest that shifts the dominant management paradigm to climate smart forestry, which encourages management practices that emphasize and incentivize carbon storage, resilience, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services.
Although the research is positive, and there is a demand for climate smart forest products, the business model for landowners is challenging. Moreover, tribal communities require further support to overcome structural market barriers.
*Note: Climate Smart Wood Group = Ecotrust, Carbon Leadership Forum, Sustainable Northwest, Northwest Natural Resources Group, Washington Environmental Council, Forest Stewardship Council, WWF, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, ARUP Engineering, and ZGF Architects.
The breakthrough initiative will accelerate the transition to a new forest economy through:
New partnerships with tribal, family, public, community, and corporate forest landowners and associated wood processors.
Support to building owners, developers, and architects to locate and secure climate smart wood.
Improved methods of carbon accounting and a new 17-member Technical Advisory Committee to scrutinize available data and methods for characterizing in-forest impacts that can be reasonably attributed to timber output and reported as embodied impacts.
Credible and engaging communications materials and targeted outreach describing the economic, environmental, and social benefits derived from climate smart forestry and associated wood use in buildings.
Note: Carbon modelling for this BI is still ongoing; results coming soon

Developing an action plan for a consortium of climate smart wood suppliers and processors.

Creating a roadmap for the development of a regional environmental product declaration.

Identifying investment opportunities benefiting local communities, linking the full value chain.

Producing engaging, cross-sector outreach and educational materials.

Timely funding and technical and communication support can turbocharge the development of a Climate Smart Forest Economy in the Pacific NW and create a level playing field for tribal and rural communities. By addressing key barriers, we will create an economy where builders are confidently choosing climate smart wood, markets for responsibly produced wood are growing, and tribal and other rural communities are prospering.
We will also learn about the following:

Pinpoint specific barriers for small landowners, including tribal and rural communities to supply climate smart wood and sequester carbon through improved forestry.

The potential to shift behaviours and perceptions through targeted communication material.

How to build a coalition that seeks to increase transparency in the wood supply chain and solve supply challenges.

The challenges and opportunities to establish a regional environmental product declaration and improve decision support tools for construction that reflect climate smart forestry.